Welcome to RareKidneyCancer.org. Please take the time to read the usage agreement below. Posting to the site constitutes an agreement on your part to adhere to this agreement.
Using the discussion forum
You will be required to submit your name, email address and a password in order to post content. If you have not created a valid password, you will not be able to post content. However you will still be able to read the postings and access any other parts of our site without registering. Password information will be maintained in a secured environment in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. We do not keep a database of readable passwords. Please be careful not to disclose on the forum any personal or other information that you do not wish other people to have access to or that you would later want to remove. Accordingly, each subscriber should weigh the potential benefits and risks participating on the forum. The only sure way to protect one's privacy is to never to use the forum. Moreover, although we strive to deter abuse of our resources, it is possible that unknown persons or entities could access and archive the lists without our permission
Rules for contributors to the Discussion Forum
- The suitability of topics for discussion on and contributions to the Page shall be at the discretion of the site owners and moderators. The central organizing principle regarding both topic suitability and contributions should be at all times that they be related to rare kidney cancers. If any contributor wishes to seek a ruling as to the suitability of a topic for discussion please contact us using our Contact Form before posting and if any contributor wishes to object to the suitability of any topic under discussion please do likewise. Posted advocacy as regards whether a topic is suitable for discussion will not be tolerated. Please remember the democratic nature of the Internet and it’s web site structure allows you to set up your own discussion forums should you feel that you wish to discuss topics we feel are inappropriate.
- Given our central organizing principle, please be aware that all discussion and contributions should not be treated as or seen to constitute professional opinion or advice. Bear in mind at all times that therapeutic strategies are often tailored to an individual patient’s particular rare kidney cancer profile and that profile details tend to vary in all cases. Therefore patients should always discuss their own profile details with their doctor(s) in relation to any topics mentioned on this Page. It follows that you accept all advice and information detailed on the Page at your own risk and that you may not hold any contributor, moderator or site owner liable or responsible for any information or advice that appears on this Page.
- If you as a patient are dissatisfied with your doctor’s opinions, advice, conduct or treatment strategy with regard to your own (or another person’s) individual patient profile then this Page is not an available or appropriate forum for the conduct of a named doctor to be examined and discussed. All medical institutions and professional bodies have complaints procedures available for individual patients to take action against named doctors involved in their treatment. We of course encourage debate, information and advice concerning medical opinions and therapies but do so as a discussion forum rather than an assessment of individual professional competency.
- The ethos of this Discussion Page is that it should offer (as our website address states) support and comfort to all those diagnosed with rare kidney cancer and their carers. In addition it provides a forum for the exchange and discussion of information, treatment therapies and practical advice about all aspects of rare kidney cancer. With this ethos in mind we will not allow contributors engaging in the harassment, defamation or vilification (whether on or off site) of contributors, moderators or site owners to continue to post contributions to the site.
- The site owners and moderators reserve the right to remove anyone who violates these rules from being able to contribute to this site. We also reserve the right to place under moderation particular named individuals who violate not only Page rules but also the Page‘s ethos and principle where all contributions from the named individual moderated will be redirected to the site owner or moderator for approval as to their suitability for inclusion.
- All contributors should be aware that they should not use the site to promote the supremacy of one ideology, religion or belief system over another. At no time must any particular person’s beliefs or ideology be denigrated or ridiculed. All posts should be in the context of rare kidney cancer and seek to provide support and comfort to rare kidney cancer patients and their carers.
- Permission must be obtained from the site owners/moderators before any contributor discusses an exchange of goods or any monetary transaction even if this is of a charitable nature.