As I mentioned, I was unable to find any overlap between my two co-morbidities: papillary RCC type 1 and my Meningioma.
MTHFR variant C677T detected
I have been talking to a variety of doctors recently about a kidney cancer co-morbidity (loss of balance and a slow growing brain tumor called a meningioma)
Nerosurgeons have suggested various forms of radiation (proton and photon), and a neurologist suggested B12. The B12 didn't help.
I won a prize at a WEB 3.0 Hackathon!
I recently (20220408) participated in a Web 3.0 hackathon and won a bounty prize!
2022 Cancer Transcriptomics Hackathon - EndOfCancerAsWeKnowIt Results
Well, (Sigh), I looked for genetic overlaps between TLFRCC, Meningioma and p1RCC and my tumor.
Nothing of Note.
20220729 HOWEVER, check out this update!
HomeBrew Federated Learning Experiment
This upcoming hackathon is using
2022 Cancer Transcriptomics Hackathon is contributing data to Meharry Medical College and Praxis AI's (free) hackathon on April 1st, 2022. It includes free prehackathon training. Here's the flyer and the sign up!
Copyleft Version of Bill Paseman's Source Code
Bill_Normal.txt and Bill_Tumor.txt for p1RCC
Summary of work for KCA Think Tank 2021
Hi, I’m Bill Paseman. I have p1RCC and am with
Catalyzing Research Using Patient Centered Games
Healing Research
Invited talk at Vanessa Hackathon (Thanks Pete Kane).